Markus & # 39; Notch & # 39; Persson, creator of "Minecraft", excluded from any anniversary


The creator of "Minecraft" is not allowed to participate in the game's 10th anniversary celebrations, Microsoft said.

"His comments and opinions do not reflect those of Microsoft or Mojang and do not represent" Minecraft, "said a Microsoft representative to Variety on Monday.

The 10-year anniversary celebrates the launch of "Minecraft" as a playable game. On May 17, 2009, Microsoft entered what is known as "alpha" – a software development jargon referring to the first form of usable software -. Microsoft is organizing an event to celebrate the upcoming birthday and declares that Persson is not welcome.

Neither Persson nor Microsoft immediately responded to Business Insider's request to comment on Persson's exclusion from the event.

Read more: "I've never felt more isolated": the man who sold Minecraft to Microsoft for $ 2.5 billion reveals the empty side of success

Microsoft / Mojang

The "comments and opinions" to which Microsoft refers in its statement come largely from Persson's Twitter account, @notch.

His statements are going to be review of "Minecraft" at support of conspiracy theorists. In some cases, he did offensive statements about trans people. In other cases, he said things like"If you're still on the left, PLEASE get up, you're evil."

Persson also spent a lot of time defending the whiteness. "It's good to be white" Persson said in November 2017. "There is clearly an agenda against white men" he wrote in December 2018.

For these comments, among others, Microsoft seems to be behind Persson's creation of its creator: the company has removed the mentions of Persson from its main screen earlier this year.


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