Marsha Blackburn to Taylor Swift: Marxist America will outlaw you


Although Taylor Swift is probably not inclined to take the advice of Marsha Blackburn, the Republican senator from Tennessee against whom she campaigned forcefully in the last election. Blackburn still offers the singer: Be careful, because the Marxists who want to seize America will come first for you.

In an interview with conservative media outlet Breitbart, Blackburn warned of left-wing totalitarianism which she says is an imminent common thread for American freedom, saying Swift will be banned from public life altogether if the country takes a tilt to the left, and all but suggesting that it would be headed for a gulag if the progressive trend is not controlled.

“Taylor Swift followed me into my 2018 campaign. But Taylor Swift would be the first victim,” Blackburn said as her interviewer nodded, “because when you look at Marxist socialist societies, they don’t allow women to dress or to sing or to be on stage or to entertain or the type of music it would have.They do not allow the protection of private intellectual property rights.

Blackburn also warned his supporters that country music was already under subversive attack from within, saying the genre was in danger of becoming too ‘awake’.

“When you talk about country music,” said Blackburn, “and I know the left is all in on now and trying to change country music and wake it up… When I talk to my friends who are musicians and artists, I say : “If we have a socialist government, if we have Marxism, you will be the first to be excluded because the state should approve your music.”

Three days ago, Blackburn sub-tweeted Swift on Twitter, referencing her song “All Too Well” as she praised conservative singer Aaron Lewis, the frontman of Staind turned belligerent country solo artist, for to have released an anti-liberal song. The Breitbart article that Blackburn tweeted noted that Lewis’ song “Am I the Only One” came before Swift’s new collaboration with Big Red Machine on the iTunes singles chart.

“Aaron Lewis’s song resonated with the American people All Too Well,” read the devious and baiting Swiftie tweet.

Lewis’s song includes lines like, “Am I the only one who stops singing, every time they play a Springsteen song?” “

Blackburn is perhaps still most famous across America for her feud with Swift first, and as an avid challenger to the “tainted” 2020 election results only secondarily.

Swift broke her political silence in 2018 to speak out against Blackburn’s campaign. “His congressional vote record dismays and terrifies me. These are not MY Tennessee values, ”the singer wrote at the time. Later, in the 2020 documentary “Miss Americana”, Swift was described as discussing how forcefully to oppose the woman who is now the senator from her home state, telling the cohorts, “She’s becoming the first senator from Tennessee, and she’s Trump in a wig. She does not represent any female interest.



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