Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order The gameplay of Ms. Marvel


Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order

Game Informer has released a short video game of Ms. Marvel in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order.

Here is a preview of the character via Game Informer:

Alias: Kamala Khan

Comic Debut: Captain Marvel # 14 (August 2013)

Organic: A descendant of Pakistani immigrants, Kamala gained her powers by returning home one night after a party. Kamala met a cloud of Terrigen mists, a mutagenic substance that awakens latent inhuman powers. After waking from stasis, Kamala discovered that she was able to stretch and shape her body. She thus assumed the pseudonym of one of her favorite superheroes and started fighting crime under the name of Mrs. Marvel.

Powers: Elongation of limbs, change of size, accelerated healing and the possibility of changing the physical appearance (hair and clothing).

Playing abilities

  • Super Face Kick: You guessed it. Ms. Marvel performs a giant kick with an enlarged foot.
  • Giant foot Spinny Thing: Ms. Marvel performs a tornado kick with an enlarged foot. You can press the attack button repeatedly to spin longer.
  • Soft combined attack: Ms. Marvel unleashes a flurry of punches to finish with an uppercut. You can press the attack button to continue the hype.
  • Embiggen: Mrs. Marvel widens both fists and uses them as a hammer to crush the enemies in front of her.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Must go out for Switch on July 19th.

Look at the pictures below.

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