Marvel’s Avengers to slow leveling alongside Hawkeye DLC on March 18


Marvel’s Avengers seemed to have the slightest shrug from players, but there’s still a new DLC on the way in Operation: Hawkeye – Future Imperfect. Ahead of its arrival on March 18, the developers detailed some upcoming changes to the base game – including substantial tweaks to the way it distributes XP and cosmetics. In short: leveling will take longer.

As explained in an article on the game’s website, the current XP curve “is not really a curve” but a straight line. “This has led to pacing issues, such as skill points currently being rewarded too quickly, which can be confusing and overwhelming for new players. We want every decision to invest in a skill or heroic to be more meaningful. . ”

They therefore increase the amount of EXP needed to level up after “around level 25”. The required amount will continue to increase as you progress towards the level 50 cap. The change will not affect characters already leveled up, only new characters you are trying to level up after updating to 18. March.

The same update brings changes to the cosmetics, to try to introduce more player choice to collect the items you want. Again, players will not lose anything that has already been earned, but cosmetic items that would previously be unlocked via random drops can in the future be purchased with in-game currency from the cosmetic supplier.

Was progressing more slowly the secret to making the game more enjoyable? Games need friction to get players to make interesting decisions, but I have no idea how that will change the feel of the game. Honestly, I’m not sure I think I should put to level superheroes at all – it seems contrary to their very concept.

Future Imperfect will add Clint “Hawkeye” Barton as a playable character to Marvel’s Avengers, having first been introduced as an ally alongside a playable Kate Bishop in the previous update, Taking AIM. It will be released on March 18.


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