Marvel’s new Shang-Chi movie clip: martial arts masterpiece


Simu Liu hits a villain in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Shang-Chi’s deadly kung fu hands in action.
Screenshot: Marvel studios

People who have already seen Shang-Chi and the legend of the ten rings gave it rave reviews, and every time we see more of the movie, it becomes more obvious why. Example: this new clip of the Marvel hero’s bus battle scene.

There is so much to love here, probably because it looks like peak Jackie Chan at its best. The way the small limits of the bus dictate a unique fight, the way star Simu Liu wields the environment both as a tool (a literal launch pad!) And a weapon, the impromptu use of his jacket, the comedy of his break in the middle of a fight to say hello to another passenger … it’s just perfect. It reminds me a lot of Chan Police Story and Drunk Master II, two of the greatest martial arts movies of all time, especially the frenetic energy of combat, which moves at lightning speed.

Sure, Awkwafina is fabulous every second she is – her expression at the end is priceless – but we all knew that beforehand. Somehow this little clip made me more excited for the movie that actual trailers have. Weird, but true.

Realized by Just mercyby Destin Daniel Cretton, Shang-Chi and the legend of the ten rings stars Liu as the titular hero and Awkwafina as her friend Katy, as well as superstar Tony Leung as Wenwu, Michelle Yeoh as Ying Nan and Meng’er Zhang as Xialing. Additionally, Benedict Wong, Tim Roth and Ben Kingley will reprise their roles as Doctor strange‘s Wong, Pontoon‘s Abomination, and Iron man 3‘s fake Mandarin Trevor Slattery, respectively. The film premieres on September 3, 2021 (but it probably wouldn’t hurt to cross your fingers at this point).

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