Masahiro Sakurai discusses Tekken’s contribution to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with Kazuya Mishima in the latest Famitsu column


Kazuya Mishima from Bandai Namco’s Tekken series is now playable in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Even though Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a 2.5D platform brawler, there is something familiar about the way Kazuya plays. When using Kazuya, you strangely feel like you are playing Tekken despite the fact that Tekken is a 3D fighting game.

As is the tradition with Masahiro Sakurai writing for the Famitsu column after the release of a new DLC character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Sakurai’s latest entry specifically talks about Kazuya Mishima in Smash. A translated overview of Sakurai’s column has been provided by Kody Nokolo by Source Gaming.

“When it came to combining the Smash Bros. format with a Tekken character, he had to think about what defines each of them,” Kody said of the Sakurai article. “Between 3D fighting games like Tekken or Virtua Fighter and Smash, although they may seem similar, each is different.”

“Sakurai thinks 3D fighting games are like remote games,” Kody continued in his next Tweet. “Due to aspects such as distance from your opponent and situational movements, it makes sense that fights take place in a more stoic and serious manner. They have qualities like a rock-paper-scissor match.”

This is because Tekken has a bit of a high, low, and medium system when it comes to the types of attacks that can be used during the game. If you are able to read the opponent performing a low attack, you might be able to use something that counteracts that bass using some kind of bouncy attack.

Likewise, there are different types of strikes in Tekken that will only hit standing characters. While crouching and attacking, the opponent’s attack will pass directly over your head when you hit them.

According to Kody, Sakurai tends to consider Super Smash Bros. like a position game. Since a player will lose a stock if pushed to one of the four blast zones, there is an inherent advantage in controlling the middle.

Sakurai describes this as being similar to Ohajiki, a Japanese game where players slide slippery marbles on a pile to hit others from the center.

When implementing Kazuya in Smash, Sakurai kept a few guidelines in mind such as staying true to Tekken when it comes to his normal attacks, using his devil form on special attacks, keeping the normal mapped moves. on a button, have 8-way directional inputs to tilt and divide attacks so that they act either as combo starters or as strong recoil movements.

Kazuya Mishima really stands out in Super Smash Bros. 85 character roster. Ultimate thanks to its huge pool of moves. Since Kazuya has almost 40 different attacks that he can use during the game, it really helps to have some sort of picture or guide when initially learning him, like the cheat sheet of Kazuya developed by ChasingDreamsTV for this purpose.

Just as he said during the “Mr. Sakurai Presents Kazuya” video, Sakurai ends the column by stating that it is not necessary for players to understand how all of Kazuya’s moves work. It’s like a typical character in a Tekken title.


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