Masks are mandatory in Austin until the end of 2020


Today, Austin Public Health extended its emergency rules – which include mask and social distancing requirements for dinners and restaurants – until the end of the year, under the new plans. the city’s coronavirus mitigation program.

This extension is issued at a time when the Austin area is experiencing a growing number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. Or, as Dr Mark Escott, the Austin-Travis County Interim Health Authority, wrote in a statement: “A situation that is dramatically worsening here in Travis County because of the transmission of COVID- 19. ” Rules are now active until December 31.

These ongoing regulations, which have not changed since the rules were last published in July, include the following:

  • Masks are mandatory for everyone, including restaurant / bar / truck patrons and employees. There are some exceptions, especially when people eat and drink or sit down to eat and drink in a restaurant.
  • People still have to practice social distancing, keeping a gap six feet between individuals and groups. For restaurant seating, this distance is reduced to four feet if there is a solid physical obstruction in place.
  • Social groups are still limited to 10 people.
  • Restaurant workers should have health exams before shifts.
  • High contact areas of restaurants / bars / food trucks should be disinfected at least twice a day.
  • There should be notice boards regarding face masks, social distancing, and COVID-19 prevention.
  • If someone in a family group is suspected of having the virus, that entire group is expected to shelter in place until the results are known. This also applies to restaurant / bar / truck workers.
  • Those who test positive should be quarantined for at least 10 days from the onset of their symptoms, then an additional 24 hours without fever. This also applies to restaurant / bar / truck workers.
  • Those who have been around someone infected with the virus are also required to take shelter for 14 days from the last date of interaction. The rules also say that all staff members who have potentially been in the vicinity of a colleague who has tested positive must be notified and quarantined.

These emergency rules are technically considered separate from Staying Home, Mask, and the rest of Travis County and Austin, and are a safety order (expiring December 15), although they’re basically the same. .

Businesses and services that were allowed to reopen under the executive orders of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott – home food service, food courts in shopping malls, bars under the authority of county judges – are still able to work. Earlier today, Travis County Interim Judge Sam Biscoe renewed his decision to keep area bars closed until at least November 17, when his replacement will take office.


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