Mass Effect: Legendary Edition DLC is missing


The Mass Effect Legendary Edition remastered trilogy contains nearly all of BioWare’s sci-fi RPG epic, with two notable exceptions: ME3’s multiplayer and ME1’s Pinnacle Station DLC. While the lack of multiplayer is a glaring absence (honestly, I’ll miss it), when BioWare announced the release date yesterday, I initially didn’t notice that Pinnacle wasn’t on the long list of included DLCs. It turns out the source code was corrupt, and rebuilding it from scratch would have taken ages.

Pinnacle Station sends Shepard and his friends to a space base for virtual combat training missions. He didn’t have much history and wasn’t exciting, but rewarded Shepard with his own tiny retreat bungalow on a distant planet – which also allowed him to purchase powerful gear early and easily. Not huge, but practical. It won’t be in the Legendary Edition.

Made by Demiurge Studios, the DLC wasn’t even in all versions of the original game. Source has been corrupted, so it never came to PS3. In the last round of press interviews, BioWare said they contacted Demiurge to try again for the Legendary Edition, and their hopes were raised, but the save they received was corrupted and broken. They would need to rebuild it. The whole process was “an emotional roller coaster,” said game director Mac Walters.

“It would take us roughly a whole six months to do this with most of the team that we have,” Walters told Game Informer. “I wish we could do that. Honestly, just because it’s supposed to be everything the team ever created, brought together again – all solo content. And so, leaving everything on the room floor. cutting, it was heartbreaking. “

The entire trilogy has tweaked textures and models and more, while the first game is reworked more substantially with tweaks to everything from combat to driving. It’s also unifying the character creation, allowing us to play ME3’s default Femshep while adding new skin tones and hairstyles, etc. The Legendary Edition contains the rest of the DLC, as far as I know, from big story missions to small promotional items like Shepard’s hoodie.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition arrives May 14 via Steam and Origin at £ 55 / € 60 / $ 60. If you own ME3 on Steam, you can get a minimal discount. It will also be on PlayStation and Xbox.


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