Maternity Planning: Texas Governor Signs Law Prohibiting Cities and Counties from Doing Business with Abortion Providers


Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a law Friday banning cities and counties from doing business with abortion providers. The bill, which will come into effect on September 1, specifically prevents local governments from entering into tax reduction and leasing agreements with these organizations. It also prevents cities and counties from "lobbying or lobbying on behalf of the interests of an abortion provider or subsidiary".

This does not affect hospitals or doctors' offices practicing less than 50 abortions a year.

Clinics that could be affected include the Planned Parenthood in East Austin, which has signed a 20-year lease with the city for one dollar a month. CBS Austin says the facility does not perform abortions but focuses on preventing STIs and women's health. Planned Parenthood has been renting the building since 1974 and was able to renew its lease last November.

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"We have heard patient after patient who has trusted in this place.This has always been a safe place, on which they could count to get the health care they need to stay healthy. patients and people who depend on us, "said Autumn Keizer, spokesperson for Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas.

CBS News has contacted Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas for an additional comment and is waiting for an answer.

The bill was considered one of the top legislative priorities of Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick for the year. He was sent to Abbott's office last Friday, after the state Senate voted 20-11 to approve the changes that had been made to him in the House. Among these changes, it is expressly stated that the legislation "can not be interpreted as prohibiting a municipality or county from prohibiting abortion".

Abbott is still opposed to the right to abortion and said last year that he would make Texas a "national leader in the defense of life," according to the Houston Chronicle. "As governor, I will fight for every child to have a chance to live."


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