Matt Damon reveals he recently quit using homophobic slurs | Matt damon


Matt Damon came under heavy criticism after revealing that he had kept using a well-known homophobic slur after being told by his daughter that it was unacceptable.

The Oscar-winning actor confessed in an interview with the Sunday Times to promote his new movie Stillwater, saying the term “was commonly used when I was a child, with a different application.”

He said his daughter took him to task after using the word in a joke at a dinner party. “She went to her room and wrote a very long and beautiful treatise on the dangerousness of this word. I said, ‘I’m taking the f-slur off!’ I got it, ”he said in the interview.

Damon, who in 2017 apologized for saying sexual assault was “a spectrum of behavior” after a similar outcry, was immediately criticized by LGBTQ + activists.

Travon Free, the bisexual comedian, Oscar-winning actor and director, said in a tweet: “So Matt Damon just figured out ‘months ago’, through a ‘treatise’ on a child, that he wasn’t supposed to utter the word f * ggot. Months ago. Months ago.”

Damon, 50, who won an Oscar in 1998 for Good Will Hunting, and his wife Luciana have four daughters aged 23 to 10. It is not clear from the interview which of them wrote the letter to him.

In another tweet, Ben O’Keefe, head of diversity development and impact at digital cinema studio CreatorPlus, called the Sunday Times article “such a strange interview.”

“Matt Damon reveals that he JUST recently stopped using the word […] like an insult after her daughter forced her hand… like what? O’Keefe wrote.

Billy Eichner, actor, comedian and producer, tweeted: “I want to know what word Matt Damon replaced f **** t with.”

The episode was all the rage on Twitter Monday morning, with many other users mocking or criticizing the actor for his comments.

Stonewall, the UK LGBTQ + rights charity, describes the word as a homophobic slur and among many ‘terms of abuse’ still in common use.

This isn’t the first time Damon has raised concerns about his views on homosexuality. In a 2015 interview with The Guardian, he said he believed gay actors were better performers if they kept their private lives silent, comments he later claimed to have been “misinterpreted”, during an appearance on the American television show Ellen.

“I was just trying to say that actors are more effective when they’re a mystery. Right? ”He told the host, Ellen DeGeneres.

“Someone picked it up and said I said gay actors should go back to the closet. It’s stupid, but it’s painful when you say things you don’t believe. And then he is shown that this is what you believe.

The film Stillwater was released this weekend with mixed reviews. Damon plays an American father who tries to obtain the release of his daughter from incarceration in France, where she was convicted of the murder of her friend.

Guardian film critic Peter Bradshaw gave it a star in five, saying Damon was “terribly misinterpreted” and the film was “a confused, misjudged, poorly performed, uncertainly directed and frankly questionable drama. , something that falls into the so-bad-it’s-bad medium.

Amanda Knox, an American convicted and later acquitted of the murder of British student Meredith Kercher while they were both studying in Italy in 2007, claimed that the film’s writer and director, Tom McCathy, had “torn apart[ped] my story without my consent to the detriment of my reputation ”.


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