Matt Gaetz claims the United States fought wars to ensure American children did not have a British accent


Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz has been mocked after claiming that the United States has fought wars to ensure American children do not end up with British accents.

the Wall Street newspaper technical reporter Meghan Brobowsky tweeted that American children have watched the British children’s TV show so much Peppa Pig “During the pandemic, they developed British accents and began to regularly use British words like ‘vacation’ instead of ‘vacation’, confusing their parents.”

“We have fought wars so that this does not happen,” said Gaetz tweeted in response.

Although the comment was apparently made in jest, many social media users responded with contempt.

“So the kids wouldn’t learn the British pronunciations?” I’m pretty sure the Revolutionary War was about something a little more than that, ”Twitter user Peter Cassizzi said. replied, referring to the eight-year conflict between 1775 and 1783 which established the independence of the 13 American colonies.

“No. My father served at the Pacific Theater so that we weren’t invaded by fascists, not so that we weren’t speaking with a British accent. Wars are no joke, sir,” Louisa Morgan added.

“Did we fight for English accents?” I will never forget the battle over the “Tail vs. Line” controversy that turned into a world war when the “color-on-color” atrocities were exposed, ” the account owner joked.

“This is why my little one is only allowed to watch the Fast & Furious series. It is the only way to guarantee any undue influence from foreign entities,” added.

The United States and United Kingdom also clashed alongside their allies in the War of 1812, which lasted about two years and eight months until 1815.

“For Pete Matt’s sake, the kids were talking with British accents after watching Peppa Pig long before that. May I suggest that someone teach you how to use Google, ”replied Laura Di Bella.

Other social media users have come to the defense of Peppa Pig, a children’s show that the BBC reported aired in 180 countries in 2010. It debuted in 2004 and seven seasons were produced. The show follows the pig, its family, and other animal friends and neighbors.

“Peppa Pig is one of the best shows on TV. Enough. Rather. Pip pip cheerio, ”one user wrote.

“Wait until Matt finds out the Founding Fathers had foreign overtones,” added another.

We do not know with what accents the founding fathers spoke. Dialect coach Catherine Charlton said Vanity Show in 2008 that we “don’t know exactly” what they looked like.

The website for George Washington’s home, Mount Vernon, Virginia, indicates that the first president’s accent may have been “predominantly American with discernible English influence.”


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