Maybe you don’t sell your friend’s art as NFT


I get it – despite all the climate change warnings you or someone you know large Scrooge McDuck signs dollars in their eyes after realizing that a pinch of blockchain is all you need to turn a JPG image into cash, and now you’re looking for something – anything – to turn into NFT. while the initial gold rush lasts.

Then you spot it: something that doesn’t exactly belong to you. You are not going to sell this, law? And yet, that’s kind of what indie game developer Jason Rohrer is trying to do, according to Kotaku: Sell NFT copies of 155 digital paintings he originally ordered for his game The doctrine of the castle as individual works of art online. Which … I mean may be he has the legal rights, even if the NFT did not exist at the time?

Except Rohrer doesn’t even try to pretend they’re his – he assigns each artist their new crypto gallery page, calling them his “personal friends” and says he’s ready to “share” them with them. ‘they’ bring in tons of auction money and back-end royalties. ”

Some of his “friends” were not particularly satisfied with this level of generosity, according to Kotaku, and you should go read their biting answers in full. Here’s one to get started:

Canabalt and Overland developer Adam Saltsman described the NFT auction as “a losing proposition for me in the short term.” “Either Jason does more public shit using my art, or I have to love … talking to Jason and spending a part of my life doing that, which sucks, too,” Saltsman told Kotaku in an email. .

As of press time, it is unclear whether Rohrer realizes the irony in continuing to use the phrase “PROTECT WHAT’S YOURS” as the header image of his website. (He did, however, remove some pieces from the site at the artist’s request.)

I have to admit I’m curious: would you buy an NFT from someone who does not have produce art? Since an NFT is actually a digital autograph, I much prefer owning one from the original artist.

Maybe that’s why no one has yet bought this famous photo from a famous anonymous 4Chan article about “literally anything can be art”. Again, a framed copy of this message sold for almost $ 100,000.


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