McCarthy focuses on his 5 GOP picks for January 6 select committee


Other members include Illinois Representative Rodney Davis, a moderate who is the top Republican on the House Administration Committee; Ohio Representative Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee; Representative Kelly Armstrong (RN.D.), a lawyer by trade who served on the House Judiciary Committee during Trump’s first impeachment; and Freshman Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), a former sheriff who supported Capitol Hill police to back down rioters who attempted to break into the house’s floor during the siege.

McCarthy’s appointment comes days before the select panel holds its first hearing, with witnesses from the Capitol Police Department and the Metropolitan Police Department. Among the Democrat-nominated committee members is Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), A critic of McCarthy ousted from the House GOP leadership for her condemnation of Trump.

The investigation is expected to be highly controversial, as both sides fight to blame the January 6 security breaches that resulted in numerous injuries to law enforcement as Trump supporters revolted in an attempt to prevent the Congress to certify its loss to President Joe Biden. Three of McCarthy’s expected five selections for the Republican side of the restricted panel voted in favor of challenges to Biden’s certification victory.

Jordan declined on Monday to say whether he had been invited by McCarthy to sit on the panel. When asked if he was ready, the Ohio Republican said the decision was “totally up to Kevin” but that he would join the list if asked.


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