McConnell says Democrats ‘won’t get our help’ to raise nation’s debt limit


“Democrats are about to tell Republicans to go for a hike and start raising billions more in borrowing and spending,” McConnell said in remarks in the Senate. “They want the Republicans to give them political cover for the partisan debt bomb that they are going to continue to detonate without any input from my colleagues.”

“They won’t get our help,” continued the Kentucky Republican. “They won’t get our help with increasing the debt limit as recklessly as these reckless plans will require. I couldn’t be clearer. They have the capacity. They control the White House, they control the House, they control the Senate. They can raise the debt ceiling and if it is raised, they will. “

The remarks come as House and Senate Democrats plan to tie the increase in the national borrowing limit to a funding bill to be passed this fall, a risky bet that would essentially dare Republicans to back the government. package or risk a potential default and government shutdown, according to several Democratic sources.
McConnell has repeatedly said Democrats themselves have to increase the limit after passing multibillion-dollar measures this year, using their budget reconciliation bill which only requires 51 votes to pass, Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie.

But Democrats say they shouldn’t be forced to shoulder the burden of the politically toxic vote themselves, especially given the debt that has built up under the Trump administration. And they instead plan to add the debt ceiling hike to a bill to keep government open after September 30, pressuring Republicans to help implement the measure to avoid an economic calamity. The move would require 60 votes in the Senate to break an obstruction, meaning 10 Republicans would have to join 50 Democrats.

While a source familiar with the matter tells CNN that no decision has yet been made, another source said that there is a growing feeling in the caucus that the inclusion of the increase in the ceiling of the debt in the reconciliation bill would allow Republicans to get off the hook for spending that was a result of the Trump administration’s legislation as well.

“We are going to make sure that Mitch McConnell cannot do to President Biden what was done to Barack Obama, which is to hold them hostage,” said Senate Finance Chairman Ron Wyden, a Democrat of Oregon.

The first indication of what action the Democrats will take will come as early as this weekend, when they can unveil their chamber’s budget resolution. If they plan to move a hike in the debt ceiling without GOP support, the resolution would include provisions indicating that they are considering drafting reconciliation legislation that would increase the borrowing limit. But if he is silent on the matter, Democrats plan to try to block Republicans in the Senate and tie him to the fundraising bill in the fall.

Republicans are calling the move reckless, arguing Democrats could do it themselves.

“I can’t imagine giving them that assurance when they have the ability – on their own – to prevent this from becoming a reality,” said Senator Mitt Romney, a Republican from Utah, referring to to a potential fault.


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