McConnell signals Senate GOP to oppose combined debt ceiling financing bill


Leader of the minority in the Senate Mitch mcconnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellTrump Seeks Challenger For McConnell As Senate GOP Leader: President Budget Report: Tackling Debt Ceiling “A Ridiculous Position To Be” Buckle Your Belt For More Trump, With The kind permission of the Democratic Party MORE (R-Ky.) Said on Monday that Republicans would help pass a short-term government funding bill – but only if Democrats disassociate it from a plan to suspend the debt ceiling until 2022.

“Senate Republicans would support a clean, ongoing resolution that included appropriate disaster relief and targeted aid to Afghans. We will not support legislation that increases the debt ceiling,” McConnell said from the Senate.

McConnell’s remarks came shortly after the Speaker of the House Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiBiden pushes Democrats back on taxes Yarmuth and Clyburn suggest .5T package could be lightened From partisan fights and follies, or why Democrats should follow Manchin, not Sanders MORE (D-Calif.) And Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (DN.Y.) announced in a joint statement that they would use a short-term government funding bill, known as the Continuing Resolution , to also suspend the debt ceiling.

“Legislation to prevent a government shutdown will also include a suspension of the debt limit until December 2022 to once again meet our obligations and protect the full confidence and credit of the United States,” they said.

In addition to a suspension of the debt ceiling, the short-term spending bill is also expected to include funding for recent national disasters and refugee resettlement.

The House will vote on the bill this week, but is expected to face obstruction from the GOP in the Senate, where Republicans have wired for weeks that they will not help raise or suspend the debt ceiling, which ‘it either alone or linked to another invoice.

This will bring the fight to a tipping point in the Senate days before government funding expires on September 30. Democratic leaders have not said what they will do if Republicans block the short-term bill with the suspension of the debt ceiling.

The debt ceiling, which had been suspended in 2019, was reinstated on August 1. Since then, the Treasury Department has used so-called extraordinary measures to maintain the government’s solvency.

secretary of the treasury Janet YellenJanet Louise YellenBiden Pushes Democrats Back on Taxes Five Questions and Answers on Fighting Debt Ceiling White House touts Nobel economists’ support for Biden PLUS program did not specify when exactly they will run out, but warned congressional leaders that it would be in October.

Republicans are trying to force Democrats to raise the debt ceiling themselves as part of their $ 3.5 trillion spending plan. Because Democrats pass the bill as part of budget reconciliation, they can avoid GOP support in the Senate.

But there is no guarantee that the spending bill will be done on time amid a myriad of sticking points.

And Democratic leaders and the White House want to raise the debt ceiling with bipartisan support, effectively trying to force both sides to own the vote. Democrats had previously backed the suspension of the debt ceiling under the Trump administration, although it was tied to other budget and spending deals.

“Republicans are having a dinner and a race of historic proportions.… Democrats are going to do the responsible thing and vote to extend the debt limit when the time comes. We’ll see which of our fellow Republicans on the other side has the strength, the courage to follow suit, ”Schumer said Monday from the Senate.


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