McEnany avoids Trump attending Biden inauguration: he will ‘attend his own inauguration’


Trump aide Kayleigh McEnany avoided though on Friday President TrumpDonald John Trump Biden spoke to some GOP senators, chief of staff said Trump told advisers he could announce 2024 candidacy soon after Biden’s victory is certified: a report from the Ivy League cancels winter sports amid U.S. COVID-19 PLUS pandemic surge would attend the elected president Joe bidenJoe Biden Biden spoke to some GOP senators, chief of staff said Trump told advisers he could announce 2024 candidacy soon after Biden’s victory is certified: report Obama is ‘troubled’ by GOP attempts to cast doubt on election results: ‘This is a dangerous path’Trump said he was planning to “attend his own inauguration”.

McEnany, the White House press secretary, appeared for an interview on Fox Business as Trump’s senior campaign adviser and pushed back when asked if Trump would definitely attend Biden’s inauguration.

“President Trump believes he will be President Trump, that he will have a second term,” McEnany said, adding that “litigation is the first step” and that there have been “many steps” until on the day of the inauguration in January.

Fox Business host Stuart Varney noted that “it would look pretty bad” if Trump did not attend the appointment of his successor.

“I think the president will attend his own inauguration,” McEnany replied. “He should be there, actually.”

Biden was set to win the presidential race on Saturday after extending his lead over Trump in several battlefield states, though the president refused to concede and his campaign mounted legal challenges in States including Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

The Trump campaign’s attempt to stop the certification of votes in Michigan was denied on Friday, and a manual recount of the votes in Georgia is currently underway.

Trump’s refusal to concede has caused problems for Biden’s transition. Emily Murphy, who oversees general service administration, has blocked access to federal funding for salaries and travel by refusing to recognize Biden as president-elect.

And the office of the director of national intelligence has not interacted with the Biden campaign, which means it does not have access to presidential intelligence briefings. A number of GOP senators have since stepped out this week to ask Biden for access to such briefings.


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