McEnany calls states ‘Orwellian’ coronavirus precautions for Thanksgiving


“The American people know how to protect their health. We have been dealing with Covid for many months, ”she continued. “But it’s Orwellian in a place like Oregon to say, ‘If you get together in numbers more than six, we could come to your house and arrest you, and you will have 30 days in jail.’ It is not the American way. We are not losing our freedom in this country. We make responsible health decisions as individuals. “

Oregon Governor Kate Brown announced last Friday that the state would enter a two-week “freeze”, suspending in-person meals, closing some businesses such as gyms and limiting social gatherings to six people. Violations of the order could result in a citation, a fine or an arrest.

Oregon is one of many states to impose new coronavirus restrictions as the disease has exploded in all parts of the country, repeatedly breaking records for new infections and deaths. Public health experts have warned that the colder fall and winter months could be the darkest days in the pandemic, as Americans spread the virus indoors while the nation’s health care system is also struggling with the annual flu season.

The president, for his part, has shown little focus on tackling the US epidemic following his electoral defeat two weeks ago and has only made a handful of public appearances.

At the onset of the pandemic earlier this year, the Trump administration largely delegated the coronavirus response to states and communities – a point Doocy insisted on McEnany as she criticized the boards of governors. “In the end, didn’t the White House say, ‘Do what you want to do? Doocy asked.

“Yeah, sure. It’s up to each state to do whatever it wants, but there are consequences for those states,” McEnany replied. The American people, she added, “are a people. freedom loving. We can make good decisions. We can wash our hands, wear masks, distance ourselves socially. But we can also decide in our personal home, our own home, if we can receive family members in at some point. That’s the American way. That’s freedom. “

The United States surpassed 11 million total cases of the coronavirus last weekend, and more than 248,000 Americans have died from the disease, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.


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