Meet Lori Loughlin's girls who prefer Instagram at school


Some young people spend their high school years working hard, seeking to get good grades, high test scores and a long list of approved extracurricular activities that together could give a little chance to admission into school. an elite college, assuming they happen to be at the top of the pile of thousands of other identical teens-type a. Where could you live true American Dream, which aims to establish a truly dope presence on social media and to enter the school based on the corruption and fraud of your wealthy parents.

The offspring of Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli went with this latter option. Olivia Jade, 20, and Isabella Rose, 19, have not lost their time locked in libraries or in SAT preparation manuals. The university was not really a priority and, after all, their mother actress had never been to university and, apparently, it worked pretty well for the family, so it was not difficult to find $ 500,000 in spare currency to pay for a corrupted USC Athletics Recruiter. . Instead, these girls went out and did exactly what the girls' culture told the young women to do: they went to work their brands.

Olivia Jade's favorite platform is YouTube, where she has accumulated nearly 2 million followers before the announcement of the news. The prolific blogger shared her tips on fashion and gave her a glimpse of her rarefied life. At about the time she started working at USC (she was a week off campus due to a trip to Fiji), she recounted her success on YouTube in branded partnerships including publications. on Instagram and instinctive customers in interviews that she gave to the press. As the Fyre Festival documentary writer and producer, Gabrielle Bluestone, noted on Twitter, she seems to have just done her part to contribute to the family fund.

Before starting at USC, she told podcast broadcaster Zach Sang that she would be participating "mainly because my parents really wanted me to go," reported NBC News. In one of his videos on YouTube, she said, "I do not know how many schools I will attend. I really want experience, for example, days of games, party time. I do not really care about school, as you all know.

Her sister, Isabella Rose or @bella, who has a quarter of a million subscribers on Instagram, is the most unobtrusive sister in the world. Not that she does not work; she is a professional actress. So professional that she has already appeared in two different Christmas movies for television, one of which shares the spotlight with her mother (although no nepotism has certainly been involved in the casting) .

Since nothing amuses the Internet anymore, it is the embarrassment of the rich – especially if they want it to be as simple as the Olivia Jade – the reactions were numerous.

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