Meghan and Harry return to UK for Queen’s birthday


Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images
Photo credit: Samir Hussein – Getty Images

By Marie Claire

  • Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are planning a visit to the UK in June, on Sunday Times reports.

  • The Sussexes are likely to attend Trooping the Color, the annual military parade marking the Queen’s official birthday.

  • Archie Harrison is also expected to make the trip across the pond.

The Sussexes are returning to the UK in 2021! According to Sunday Times, Trooping the Color – the annual military parade celebrating the Queen’s official birthday, which was drastically reduced last year thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic – is scheduled to take place on June 12, and Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are expected attend. This will mark the couple’s first public appearance in the UK since the 2020 Commonwealth Day service on March 9.

A senior royal aide told the newspaper: “The current plan is for the Queen’s birthday parade to take place as normal in London, with the acceptance that it may need to be adapted or scaled down depending on directives in force at the time. But the aspiration and the ultimate desire is to achieve it. “

Because Trooping the Color is both an official royal event and a ‘family occasion’, attendees explained to the Sunday Times, Meghan and Harry are expected to attend. In fact, an insider close to the Sussexes said Entertainment tonight that they look forward to attending several family events in the UK, with son Archie Harrison likely to join them on the trip.

“There are a lot of family events that the Duke and Duchess are hoping to attend,” the source said, adding: “Of course, given the state of the world due to COVID-19, it is still early to plan a travel.” The insider also said that Meghan, Harry and Archie’s visit is already eagerly awaited by many members of the royal family. Cute!

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