Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, shares her miscarriage mourning


Nicola Sturgeon, the first minister of Scotland, said in 2016 that she lost a baby in 2011. In the royal family, Zara Tindall, the queen’s granddaughter, said in 2018 that she suffered two miscarriages.

Executives of three charities that provide support for parents after miscarriage said Wednesday they saw significant spikes in people seeking help whenever a public figure spoke out. Losing a child is often an isolating experience, and the attention that public figures pay to the subject make people feel less alone, they said.

“People suddenly admit to themselves and to others that they are hurting and suffering,” said Zoe Clark-Coates, managing director of the Mariposa Trust, a London-based charity.

Experts say the taboo is shrinking as more people speak out, but there remains a stigma that stops the discussion. Having the experience alone or with a small circle of friends and family tends to increase symptoms of depression and anxiety.

This effect was magnified during the isolation required in a coronavirus pandemic, said Clea Harmer, chief executive of Sands, a London-based charity. The demand for support services has increased during the pandemic as people are less able to meet their loved ones for the company.

“It made a truly sad and devastating experience even worse and even more difficult,” she said.

Many parents are turning to social media, either publicly or in closed Facebook groups, said Ruth Bender Atik, national director of the Miscarriage Association, which provides support services in the UK. She said Meghan was “generous” to share her experience and the resulting discussion would help many people.

“It can be very empowering for people to hear the kind of feelings they have had from other people too – regardless of their status,” she said.


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