Meghan Markle and Prince Harry left ‘exceptionally fragile’ state of world ‘speechless’


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry released a statement to supporters on Tuesday, describing themselves as “speechless” and “scared” by the current state of the world, while offering subscribers encouragement and ways to help.

“The world is exceptionally fragile right now. While we all feel the many layers of pain due to the situation in Afghanistan, we remain speechless, ”the two said in a joint note on their Archewell Foundation website.

“As we all watch the growing humanitarian disaster in Haiti and the threat of it worsening after last weekend’s earthquake, we are heartbroken,” they added. “And as we all witness the continuing global health crisis, exacerbated by new variations and constant misinformation, we are afraid. ”

The Duke and Duchess told their supporters that “although we are not supposed to live in a state of suffering, we as a people are conditioned to accept it”.

In order to combat the “feeling of helplessness”, the two men encouraged people to take action and identified organizations that provide help to those in need. The note also included mental health resources to help “navigate whatever comes your way during this critical time.”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visit the then newly unveiled British War Memorial and Pukeahu National War Memorial Park in 2018

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visit the then newly unveiled British War Memorial and Pukeahu National War Memorial Park 2018 in Wellington, New Zealand. The couple are encouraging people to take action to combat the current state of the world.

“Take care of each other and let’s continue to care for each other,” the note adds.

The post comes a day after the Duke of Sussex issued a statement through his veterans charity, the Invictus Games, as the Taliban quickly took control of Afghanistan. Harry served in the British Army for 10 years and flew two missions in Afghanistan.

“What is happening in Afghanistan resonates with the international Invictus community,” Harry said in the statement, alongside Invictus Games CEO Dominic Reid.

“Many participating and competing countries in the Invictus Games family have a common experience of service in Afghanistan over the past two decades, and for several years we have competed alongside the Invictus Games Afghanistan team. “

“We encourage everyone across the Invictus network – and the military community at large – to reach out and support each other,” the statement added.

Also on Monday, Queen Elizabeth sent a “message of condolence” to the Prime Minister of Haiti, following the devastating earthquake that has claimed more than a thousand lives so far.

The Queen said she was “deeply saddened by the tragic loss of life and destruction caused by the earthquake in Haiti”.

“My thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost their lives, their loved ones and their homes, as well as the emergency services working as part of the recovery efforts,” she added.


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