Meghan Markle and Prince Harry risk “going into the background” without the royal family | Royal | News


Royal expert and author Bob Morris has argued that the way forward for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry is unclear. In an interview with the Daily Express, Mr Morris claimed that Meghan and Harry confused celebrity status with royal status. He added that as time goes by and they move away from the royal family, they will fall into the background.

Mr Morris said: “It is very difficult to say what their future holds as they are always exploring their options.

“But I imagine they will gradually fade into the background.

“They are going to settle in the United States and move further and further away from the royal family.

“We do not know what their role will be, but the essential difficulty is that they seem to have confused celebrity and royalty, they are not the same.”

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Meghan and Harry have also been warned about the future of their deal with Netflix.

Royal commentator Dickie Arbiter has insisted that Netflix will get bang for the buck for working with the couple.

Speaking on talkRADIO, he claimed that Netflix may be hoping to get a glimpse of the Royal Family.

He added that he hoped neither would choose to divulge this information to the streaming giant.

“She should bring Archie and they want to keep him away from London.”

“It’s just that Harry and Meghan find all kinds of excuses not to come and share Christmas with the Queen.

“I think Meghan has a feeling that if she comes to London the atmosphere will be so terrible that she can’t stand it.”


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