Meghan Markle could really benefit from the advice of Queen Elizabeth


Whether you consider yourself a fan
from Meghan Markle
or you can not stand his pretentious manners, he really does not
denying that as a newcomer to the royal family she at
a lot to learn
. The Duchess of Sussex is used to a distinctive style
different way of life – as an American citizen and former Hollywood actress,
it is as far removed as possible from the old-fashioned customs of the monarchy

Some fans say that it is a good thing. They claim that Markle
the lack of distinguished pedigree can help shake the old British monarchy,
more up to date
and modernize what it means to be a royal worker.
This may be true, but remember that there is already someone who has fulfilled this mission.
It's Queen Elizabeth herself.

Whatever her plans, Meghan Markle may soon seek advice from Queen Elizabeth. Royal fans say it would be wise to take it.

Queen Elizabeth and Meghan Markle
Queen Elizabeth and Meghan Markle | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

Meghan Markle is on the ice with his reputation right now

It seems that for every good deed of the Duchess of Sussex
In fact, there is an equally serious public relations disaster waiting around the corner. For
For example, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently made
when they got caught taking several private jets at events after
give lectures to all on the importance of climate change awareness.

Elton John might not think we
should be mad at them
, yet some people call the hypocritical couple and
out of touch with reality. There is a person who can understand how much
Meghan Markle thinks – this is Queen Elizabeth, who has had her reputation dragged on
more than one occasion.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

It might be time for Queen Elizabeth to intervene

The queen does not worry about little jeers between
family members but she does insert
in the situation if things get serious enough. There is a good
chance she reaches this point with all the heaviness that Meghan Markle faces.

While talking with the sun, royal
expert Phil Dampier predicted that Queen Elizabeth could try
Talk with
Meghan Markle about all this drama about Harry and Meghan
visit to Balmoral.

"This could be a good opportunity to have, not an assessment of her, but a quiet discussion away from the angry crowd about how she thinks it's going," Dampier said.

"I think in quiet moments and quiet walks by the river, the queen could give her some advice. I'm sure there may be things where she may think things might be better done, so I'm sure she would give her advice, especially if she asks for it. "

Queen Elizabeth and Meghan Markle
Queen Elizabeth and Meghan Markle | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

Queen respects Meghan Markle and her mission

If they discuss everything that is going on, it will probably be a friendly conversation. Queen Elizabeth does not hide her penchant for Meghan Markle and no doubt sees herself in the ambitious young crusader. The Queen is a strong and opinionated woman, just like the Duchess of Sussex.

However, it is always possible to improve. Perhaps it will be advisable for Queen Elizabeth to engage the Duchess of Sussex in a path that is both ambitious and publicly accepted. If someone can provide good advice to achieve these ambitious goals, it's the queen!


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