Meghan Markle has one thing in common with Princess Diana


It's pretty tragic that Princess Diana died so young.
But now, people feel nostalgic for beloved kingship family
again his sons, Prince William and Prince Harry are
expand their families. One thing most people agree on? Princess Diana would
loved his daughters-in-law

There are many reasons to believe that Princess Diana would have done well with Meghan Markle in particular. The two women may come from different places and have special interests, but they also have a surprising amount of commonality.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Phil Noble – Pool/ Getty Images

Prince Harry knows they would have got along well

Few people knew Princess
better than his beloved sons. Thanks to the influence of his mother, he
It was unlikely that the Duke of Sussex would consider settling with the
someone that his mother would not approve. And Prince Harry knows that she would have given
Meghan Markle a vote of approval.

Who could forget the touching moment when Prince Harry admitted that his mother would have been Meghan's "best friend"? "Oh, they would be like thieves, no doubt," said Harry during the BBC interview. "I think she'd be on the moon, jumping up and down, you know so excited for me," he said just after his engagement.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Chris Jackson / Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Princess Diana and Meghan Markle have a lot in common

Princess Diana grew up as a member of the aristocracy while Markle was born in Los Angeles under more humble circumstances. But Diana and Meghan had the same difficult situation as the children – the two women had parents who were separating when they were young. Meghan Markle was two years old and Princess Diana was six when their families divorced.

Princess Diana
Diana, Princess of Wales | Bettman / Getty Images

Another thing less than lucky that Princess Diana and Meghan Markle have in common? They public is obsessed with them. Diana would surely be sympathetic to the way her daughter-in-law (and her son) are hunted by the media. It seems that every day a shocking new rumor has been revealed about the Duchess of Sussex, her family or her future. Princess Diana knew this life too well.

These are two fashion inspirations

Princess Diana
Princess Diana | Kypros / Getty Images)

Even decades after his death, the effect of Diana on the fashion
is still prevalent. The wardrobe of Princess Diana will remain in the history
as one of the most timeless, classic and copied of all time. From her wedding dress to
all these elegant and colorful costumes, she was a true icon of fashion.

Meanwhile, Meghan Markle seems to be making its way through the ranks of fashion. With a slightly royal look, Markle always looks elegant but also makes his own choices. Bold color combinations, asymmetrical highs and sky high the heels are all branded looks for Markle. She is also known for wearing elegant flat shoes when the atmosphere is affected.

Meanwhile, everything she wears in public tends to sell the next day. The same thing happened at the time of Princess Diana.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Pool / Samir Hussein / WireImage

Both women are dedicated to causes that are important to them

Members of the Royal Family are Not Allowed to Make Public Statements
on political issues. But they can send subtle messages by choosing their
charities. Meghan Markle is an ardent feminist and also believes in supporting
environmental causes.

Meghan Markle participates in the Canadian campaign One Vision Clean Water, One
World Youth Summit and UN Women.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Ben Stansall – Pool WPA / Getty Images)

They are both proud to be
the mothers

One thing so many people liked
about Princess Diana was her deep love for her children. Meghan Markle is due
her first baby in the early spring and although she technically did not
experience, it is clear that she is delighted to expect. Watch how Meghan
Markle shines and her obvious enthusiasm for the idea of ​​becoming a mother indicates that she
be just as fond of maternity as Princess Diana.

Princess Diana | Tim Graham / Getty Images

It's sad that Princess Diana
will not be there to enjoy his grandchildren. But at least his legacy and
the inspiration lives through his children.


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