Meghan Markle talks privacy with Oprah: exclusive clip not released


During their full and front-page interview with Oprah, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry unpacked the rationale behind their decision to step down as royals in January 2020.

In an additional undisclosed clip – exclusive to – Meghan opened up about the privacy breaches she suffered after dating and then marrying Prince Harry. The couple ultimately filed a lawsuit against these violations, ultimately winning a confidentiality case against the Sunday mail, the publication that published a letter she wrote to her father, Thomas Markle, in 2021.

WSpeaking to Meghan, Oprah asked a question many have asked in response to Meghan and Harry’s requests for privacy: Dating a royal, shouldn’t you be expected to lose some degree of privacy? In the clip below, Meghan replied: “I think everybody has a fundamental right to privacy. Basic. We are not talking about anything that no one else would expect. “

She went on to illustrate her definition of a “fundamental right to privacy” using an example rooted in everyday life.

“If you are at work and you have a photo of your child on your desk and your coworker tells you:Oh my God, your kid is so cute. It’s fantastic! Can i see your phone so i can see all your child’s photos? You go, ‘No. This is the photo I’m comfortable sharing with you, ”Meghan said.

the duke and duchess of sussex visit canada house

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Meghan added to the analogy to show the efforts photographers take to invade her own privacy. “And then if they double down and say,No, but you’ve already shown me that one. So you gotta show me all. You know what, I’m just going to hire someone to sit outside your house, or hide in the bushes and take pictures in your backyard, because you lost your right to privacy … because you shared a picture with me, ‘”she said.

At the end of the day, Meghan said, she and Harry weren’t asking for full privacy, nor were they locking themselves out of their roles as public figures, as some have claimed. “They created a false narrative. never talked about privacy, ”Meghan said.

Instead, she said, the couple were simply asking to share the “parts of their lives” that they were “comfortable” giving public access to – just like the rest of us.

“There’s no one on Instagram or on social media who would say, ‘Because I shared this photo, that gives you the right to have all of my camera roll. Go ahead and watch it. “No one would want that. So, it’s a question of boundaries. And it’s a question of respect.”

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