Meghan Markle will not meet President Trump during his next visit to the UK; Queen Elizabeth, Prince William and Prince Harry


Did Meghan Markle bow out of meeting President Trump? The President's route for his next state visit to the UK was released – and the Duchess of Sussex is nowhere.

Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will receive Queen Elizabeth at the Buckingham Palace for a welcoming ceremony that will mark the beginning of her visit on June 3, according to BBC News. Mr. Trump will also meet with several members of the royal family, including Prince William and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge.

And although the new Father Dad, Prince Harry, joins the group to have lunch with Mr. Trump, it looks like Meghan will be sitting in front of her. Archie baby.

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Meghan's program does not necessarily have a political connotation. She has just given birth on May 6th and has not yet resumed her public activities. But she has already expressed her disgust for Mr. Trump. In a 2016 interview with Larry Wilmore of the Comedy Central group, she called the then Trump candidate "divisional".

Meghan, who was an actress on the television series "Suits" at the time, also hinted at her support for Hillary Clinton. "You do not just vote for a woman, if it's Hillary, because she's a woman," said Meghan. "But certainly because Trump made it clear that you do not really want that kind of world."

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President Trump's earlier visit to Britain provoked a tragedy. Hordes of protesters took to the streets of London in July 2018, flying even over a "Trump baby" balloon. The protests followed Mr. Trump at his golf club in Scotland, where a dozen protesters staged a "protest picnic" chanting "Trump is a racist! Trump is a liar!"

On his next visit, Mr. Trump will also attend a banquet at the palace with the Queen, Princes Charles, Camilla, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, as well as other British and American personalities living in Britain, reports BBC News.

Meghan will not be among them – but she should not necessarily attend such an event because her husband is not immediately on the throne.

Trump will also meet with outgoing premier Teresa May who announced last week that she will retire in June. Mr. Trump's trip is scheduled to coincide with events commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day.


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