Meghan Markle would she be a good queen?


These past years have been exciting for Meghan Markle. She fell in love with Prince Harry and married him. The couple is about to welcome their first child. Meghan certainly lives fairy tale life, and fans around the world can barely contain their happiness for the new duchess and future mother.

Although she is married to a prince, Harry does not fall in the direct lineage of the British throne. In fact, he currently ranks sixth and if Prince William and Kate Middleton have other children, he will be pushed back further. This means that the chances of seeing Harry become king are rather slim.

Although we will probably never see Harry become the ruling monarch, we can not help but wonder if Meghan Markle herself would be a good queen.

Meghan would actually be a queen consort

Fans of the royal family know that if Meghan becomes queen, it would act of what is called a queen consort. It simply means that she is married to the king and that she herself is not the ruling monarch.

The next to take the throne, however, is Prince Charles. After that, Prince William will be king, followed by his son, Prince George. To be the ruler of the United Kingdom, a member of the family must be a direct descendant of the current king or queen.

Do fans want Meghan to be queen?

There would probably be very few, if any, fans who would be disappointed that Meghan Markle would become queen. She has a wonderful personality and is a really good person, which makes her perfect for the role.

Meghan is extremely well connected with members of the public and is loved by many people around the world. Being queen seems to be something that would come naturally to Meghan, and we can only imagine that she would succeed.

What would Meghan think of being queen?

Chances are, Meghan does not think much of the idea of ​​becoming queen. She knows that for this to happen, she and her husband should see not only Queen Elizabeth II die, but also Prince Charles, Prince William and all the children of Cambridge.

It is only then that Prince Harry will have to assume the royal duty of being king, which he does not even want to do.

Why does not Harry want to be king?

Although Harry is a major royal, becoming a king is not something he wants to do. The Duke of Sussex has a simpler life, which is one of the reasons he and Meghan moved to Windsor. They wanted to get out of the bustling city of London and raise their baby in a quieter setting.

When he became king, Harry knew that his life would suddenly be scrutinized closely and that he would remain constantly in the spotlight, leaving him virtually without any privacy.

Would Meghan be a good queen?

Despite the fact that her husband does not want the throne and that this probably does not happen, we must say that Meghan would make an excellent queen.

She is already taking her royal duties very seriously, and as Queen she would probably seize the opportunity to reach out to as many people as possible around the world, spreading joy and doing wonderful things in the world. the interest of all.

Meghan would simply shine if she were queen, and that's something she would do with the same style and grace that her fans already love.


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