Meghan McCain apologizes after spoiling the final of "Game of Thrones" in "The View"


Meghan McCain, co-host of "The View", is excused for spoiling the latest episode of HBO's "Game of Thrones" at Monday's ABC News gabfest.

"We are apparently at the end of a giant era of pop culture. The evening ended last night with the final of "Game of Thrones" and this morning you can contact advisors if you're having trouble, "said co-host Whoopi Goldberg before asking question. "Someone has a hard time?"

Fans of "Game of Thrones" are furious after the final series: "I'm so happy that #got is over"

[SPOILER ALERT: The remainder of this article will discuss the final episode of HBO’s “Game of Thrones.”]

"Yes, yes," said McCain. "I spent eight years looking at this and it was horrible. Horrible. Bran is the worst. Sorry, it's a spoiler. He did not do anything and now he has to rule?

Sonny Hostin, co-host, seemed shocked by the audience.

"I'm only on season 4," Hostin said.

Goldberg pretended to leave the set with disgust as McCain tried to defend himself.

"It's everywhere on the Internet," McCain said.


She then doubled, erasing Hostin's disappointment.

"As a dedicated fan, who watched last night live, as everyone is supposed to, agree? It was terrible, "McCain said. "I am so disappointed."

Hostin looked really annoyed, hitting a note card against the table.

"I'm sorry you're so excited by my closing statement," McCain said before making fun of the audience after seeming disappointed to know the outcome of the series.

"You're really upset," she said.

After the show, McCain taken to Twitter apologize for spoiling the end.

"I'm really sorry for the #GOT spoilers of the show today! I have assumed that all the frequent fans had watched! My hurt, "she wrote" Do not look at the west coast if you do not want to spoil. "

The HBO hit ended Sunday night and Brandon Stark can now call himself King of the Andals and First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Kingdom, much to McCain's dismay.

Jessica Napoli from Fox News contributed to this report.


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