Memo: Democrats irritated by billionaire Steyer joins the 2020 race


Billionaire Financial Tom SteyerThomas (Tom) Fahr SteyerTom Steyer's campaign to overthrow Trump will continue after Steyer enters the 2020 race. Five Things to Know About Tom Steyer Do not Refer Tom Steyer: He's the Most Informed Media Candidate NEXT announced that he would join Tuesday's run for the presidency of 2020 – and the dominant reaction of the Democrats was irritation.

Left critics accuse Steyer, a California Liberal activist, of mounting a vanity project that they say has no chance of success.

They fear that it will hurt the chances of more prominent candidates whose views are in the same direction as his own, including the Senators. Bernie SandersBernie SandersL • Russian intelligence planted conspiracy theory Seth Rich: Report Poll: Trump trailing behind Biden and Sanders, beats Buttigieg, Harris and Warren Democrats are too far left to win Central America MORE (I-Vt.) And Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenPoll: Trump trails behind Biden and Sanders, beats Buttigieg, Harris and Warren Democrats are too far left to win Central America Poll: Biden leads the 2020 Democratic group by 15 points, Warren, Harris and Sanders get share the second (D-Mass).

Steyer's threat is simple: his wealth allows him to run a well-funded campaign almost as long as he wants. A spokesman for Steyer told the New York Times that he was ready to spend "at least $ 100 million" for his presidential candidacy.

"Anyone with $ 100 million to spend will have an impact," said Jonathan Tasini, a progressive writer and well-known activist in New York. "I just think it's a massive case of ego going wild. Steyer says absolutely nothing that other candidates, including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, do not say. "

"He is typical of the kind of candidate that Democrats hate the most, namely someone who thinks he can buy the main support or buy support," said a party strategist who's not aligned with none of the presidential candidates and who requested anonymity -give.

Nevertheless, the criticism addressed to Steyer comes up against the fact that he espoused popular causes among the liberal people.

After making his fortune, he first gained political importance as a strong advocate of action against climate change.

More recently, he was best known for leading an indictment campaign President TrumpDonald John Trump Graham is ready to investigate the Advocacy Agreement between Acosta and Epstein Continue progress with Mexico on migration The government will license exploitation with Huawei PLUS – an effort that has gathered more than 8 million supporters and that includes an extensive TV advertising campaign, most of them putting Steyer in the foreground.

Some progressives recognize Steyer's commitment to their causes even though they are skeptical about his chances for 2020.

Charles Chamberlain, chairman of the progressive group Democracy for America, said Steyer's record on climate change was one of the potential benefits of his candidacy.

In this regard, he said: "What's exciting about Tom getting into the race, is that with his money, he may be able to advance the solutions of a way that could be positive for America. "

Regardless, Chamberlain noted that overall, "It's a bit difficult to see what Tom Steyer has to offer, aside from the contribution of a billionaire's finances."

In an e-mailed statement, Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change campaign committee, who endorsed Warren, said Steyer had chosen to be late in the race: "This decision needs to be verified." very early, especially for a rich, white man. a major way. "

But Mr Green also noted that "Steyer will probably draw attention to two issues he and Warren have addressed: the removal and resolution of the climate crisis. These issues deserve attention. "

Sanders and Warren seem less pleased to have Steyer in the race.

It would seem that he represents a much greater threat to them than to more centrist candidates such as the former vice president. Joe BidenJoe Biden: Sarah McBride, female activist, announces her candidacy for the Delaware Senate. Poll: Trump follows Biden and Sanders beat Buttigieg, Harris and Warren Democrats are too far left to win Central America. MORE, which continues to lead the national polls even though it lost some of its lead after last month's debates.

Sanders and Warren are already struggling to rally progressive voters behind one or the other.

It will be an even steeper climb now that a candidate with $ 100 million presumed in his campaign chests has joined the race.

In the second quarter of this year, Warren and Sanders raised $ 19.1 million and $ 18 million respectively.

On Tuesday, Warren tweeted: "The Democratic primary should not be decided by billionaires, whether they fund Super PACs or fund themselves" – a free kick for Steyer.

In an interview with MSNBC, Sanders said he personally loved Steyer but was "a little tired of seeing billionaires trying to buy political power."

Bill Carrick, a Democratic and admirable strategist in the state of Steyer, California, told The Hill that Sanders and Warren had reason to be concerned: "Candidates who are running toward the more progressive party of the left – they have it done by another good, and one with unlimited resources. This can complicate things for these candidates. "

Carrick noted that Steyer's advertising for impeachment has increased public awareness of his name and that his access to the e-mail addresses of those who subscribed to this effort could help him considerably.

Elsewhere in the progressive world, however, Steyer – he was truly concerned about problems rather than promoting himself – could have used his wealth more effectively.

Jamelle Bouie, Liberal columnist for The New York Times, tweeted"If I were a liberal billionaire with $ 100 million to spend, I would spend it on a nationwide voter registration campaign instead of a vain presidential campaign."

Tasini, New York's progressive activist, said Steyer could have made more of a difference if he had been willing to use his money to shore up the Democratic hope of regaining control of the Senate next November.

Tasini reacted to the suggestion that Steyer would have a real impact in terms of reducing the votes of the best progressive candidates.

"It's unlikely because I think his white billionaire status is not the basis of Warren or Sanders," Tasini said. "Would he win five of their votes? May be. But not 5% of them. "

The memo is a column of Niall Stanage, mainly devoted to the presidency of Donald Trump.


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