Men face criminal charges for walking on Old Faithful Geyser


Photos: Kimberly Guilliams

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Washington – A report from The Associated Press indicates that two men face criminal charges for walking on the Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park.

Kimberly Guilliams watched the two men scrutinizing the geyser on Tuesday, September 10, and posted photos on her Facebook page.

"We were totally incredulous and completely stupid of these guys," she wrote on Facebook. "They were caught, reports were filed and I submitted photos to the park ranger."

Walking on the geyser is dangerous and illegal. Old Faithful bursts with boiling water about once an hour.

The men were summoned to federal court, reports the AP. They did not identify the two men.

Several people have been cited over the years for wandering the most famous geyser in Yellowstone. Several others were severely burned by falling or entering the thermal features of the park.


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