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Game of thrones may not have aired episodes in 2018, but that did not stop his characters from continuing to inspire thousands of names.

New data from the Social Security Administration shows that last year, more than 2,500 American children were named after Arya Stark by parents who were probably delighted with the Battle of Winterfell a few weeks ago. Arya was the 119th most popular female first name of the year, up from 135th in 2017.

Dozens of other parents named their children after others Game of thrones However, some of the most popular names are Tyrion, Brienne, Jorah and Sansa, according to a list by Joe Murphy from NBC News.

Spending a little time on the screen did not prevent Ellaria from appearing unexpectedly at the top of the list, even exceeding key characters such as Bran and Theon. Daenarys is a bit far, but not if you count "Khaleesi", which has been used 560 times.

This list, of course, does not take into account names that are already quite common outside of Game of thrones, like Jon, who has been used 311 times.

Give or take a Gregor, most popular names came from the heroes of the series. But not everyone was opposed to the idea of ​​naming their children after hateful characters. The data also show an alarming number of people in 2018-2013, to be exact – have named their children Thanos the genocidal maniac Avengers: war in the infinite and Avengers: End of the game, observe The namérologie.

There were also 251 babies named Kylo after Star wars naughty, making for many parents who have to cross their fingers for his redemption in The mounted Skywalker. As for all these children named Thanos, the reality is often disappointing. Brendan Morrow


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