100 degrees below zero in Antarctica – Digital AIM


The small valleys of Antarctica, located near the summit, have recently reached the lowest temperatures on the planet, according to a study published in Geophysical Research Letters. Temperatures of almost -100 ° C have been observed, according to the portal Xataka

The small valleys of Antarctica, located near the summit, have recently reached the lowest temperatures of the earth.

a temperature as low since July 1983, when they were recorded at -89 ° C at the Russian station Vostol

The recent study focused on the analysis of satellite data during the summer. winter of the southern hemisphere between 2004 and 2016.

To do this, they obtained data from the Modis instrument through NASA's Terra and Agua satellites and data from environmental satellites Polar Operations of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa). There, the coldest places can be seen at -98 ° C during the night of the South Pole, especially in July and August

In the atmosphere of this region there may be less than 0.2 mm ruddy water on the surface. Being dry and cold, the air traps some of the heat and returns it to the surface.

The investigation detected ultra-low temperatures in small holes in the Antarctic Ice Sheet. The cold, dense air accumulates on the surface and can remain for several days.

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