100 immigrants disappear in a shipwreck in front of Libya


  100 migrants disappear in a wreck in front of Libya

Many refugees cross the Mediterranean despite the dangers of crossing and the road from Libya to Italy


About migrants are missing and it is feared that they will be dead after the ship in which they were shipwrecked Friday off the Libyan coast reported the Libyan Coast Guard.

Libyan official sources reported that the incident occurred this Friday in the east of Tripoli capital of the country, in the waters of the sea Mediterranean area where the Coast Guard rescued 14 living people and continues the search for other passengers.

For now, the country's authorities say they do not know the number of migrants and refugees on board the ship when it capsized, as well as the identity of the 14 survivors, who will be transferred to temporary migrant camps.

Libyan migrants give their lives for leaving hell

Libya has become an important transit point for migrants fleeing violence and poverty in their homeland. origin in Africa and the Middle East and seeking to reach Europe in search of refuge.

The situation, however, has been exploited by traffickers of people who operate with impunity in the middle of the chaos that reigns in the country since the 2011 popular uprising that overthrew Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, after which a power struggle between the guerrillas were unleashed.

Many refugees cross the Mediterranean despite the dangers of crossing and the Libya route to Italy and other European states is the favorite, as nearly 120,000 migrants traveled for last year, when three m 116 people died in the attempt.

Sinking in front of Libya leaves 10 dead and 90 missing

Just earlier this month, about 112 people drowned after a ship full of migrants It sank off the coast Tunisians, while last February, about 90 deaths were the result of another sinking on the western coast of Libya.

The sinking of this Friday occurred while European leaders reached an agreement. establish "controlled centers" in the Member States to determine asylum eligibility for migrants arriving in Europe.

The humanitarian group Doctors Without Borders (MSF) on Friday criticized the EU agreement saying its goal was to people at the door of Europe, while UN agencies (UN ) for migrations and refugees congratulated him


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