100 worm eggs on the head of a girl caused pain


New Delhi, India .- In India, an eight-year-old girl suffered from severe headaches and epileptic seizures. Her parents then took her to the hospital to receive the necessary care. 100 eggs of a parasite known as "tapeworm" had migrated from his stomach to the head, which caused him health problems.

An analysis of the patient's brain found that all 100 cysts indeed, worm eggs were found, which caused inflammation of the organ and difficulty in breathing and walking.

According to reports, a doctor said that such an infection is caused by an accidental diet. infested with tapeworms (type of worm), "he added, adding that the disease also occurs when fruits and vegetables are poorly washed and the meat is not sufficiently cooked.

By treatment, the girl recovers and is already carrying out its daily activities.

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