100 years after his birth, who was Nelson Mandela?


This Wednesday marks 100 years of birth of the lawyer, activist and politician South African Nelson Mandela who was born on 18 of To recall him in his centenary he knows 10 data on his biography and his life political, as well as On this day, the digital community joins the Centennial of Nelson Mandela through the hashtag [19659004] # Mandela100 .

1. Birth

Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 in the then Mvezo city of Cape Province, today South Africa, being son of the chief of the tribe and adviser of the monarch. He was baptized with the name of Rolihlahla who in the Xhosa language means something like "troublemakers"; when he was baptized at the Methodist school where he learned to read, he was given the nickname of Nelson with whom he would be known later.

2. Studies

The parents of Mandela were illiterate, but the young man Nelson decided to study to hold a position of adviser to the royal family. For this reason, in 1939, he entered the University of Fort Hare, a prestigious school for the black population of the upper class; he studied English, Anthropology, Politics, Administration and Law, and African National Council where he was seeking an independent in South Africa. South but he did not get close to them. Shortly after leaving school, without graduating.

3. Arrival in Johannesburg

In 1940, fleeing an arranged marriage, Mandela arrived in Johannesburg as a fugitive and found an apprentice job in a law firm. His employer, Lazar Sidelsky, was a liberal-minded Jew who advocated equal treatment between the races. There, he came into contact with the African National Council and with the communist ideology. At the same time, he resumed his studies at the University of in South Africa where he studied law by correspondence.

4. Racial Discrimination

Mandela began a law degree at the University of the Witwatersrand, where he was the only student black and was therefore a victim of racial discrimination . Nelson became more and more aware of his political views, and in August 1943 he organized a boycott against the rate hike on South African buses.

5. The African National Council

Young Nelson joined the ANC in 1943 and the following year he participated in the formation of the ANC Youth League, of which he was a member of the Executive Committee . Later, he will hold various positions within the ANC. At that time, he married Evelyn Mase, with whom he had his first children

6. Apartheid

When 1948 General Elections in 19459004 in South Africa the National Party was conquered, an overtly racist institution that legalized racial segregation under the name of apartheid against which the ANC has organized boycotts and strikes. In March 1950, Mandela assumed the presidency of the African National Council and the ANC Youth League. The following year, the ANC would organize the Challenge Campaign against Unjust Laws; Mandela would give a speech in front of 10,000 people for which he would be imprisoned for the first time.

7. Trials for Treason

After several years of peaceful struggle, the ANC decided in June 1955 to launch an armed demonstration. A few months later, in December 1956, Mandela was arrested with the ANC Executive Committee for high treason against the state, and tried for five years and in which he would be declared innocent. In 1961, inspired by the guerrillas of "Che & # 39; Guevara and Mao, Mandela founded the Umkhonto we Sizwe – the spear of the Nation -, the armed arm of the ANC that would be known by the acronym MK, who carried out acts of sabotage and terrorism .

8. Prison

On August 5, 1962, Mandela was captured by the police, taken to prison and designated as the person responsible for MK's acts, and was initially sentenced to five years in prison. But when other investigations were conducted, Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment in June 1964 and taken to Robben Island Prison, where he spent 18 years doing forced labor in the mine. of lime.

In the mid-1970s, Mandela was already a political standard and received many visits. In April 1982, he was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison. In 1988, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, he was honored at a concert at Wembley Stadium, England, where he was invited to be released.

In December 1988 Mandela was transferred to prison Victor Verster. The following year, South African President Pieter Willem Botha was replaced by Frederik de Klerk who opposed apartheid and liberated Mandela February 11, 1990 In total, he spent 27 years in prison.

9. Nobel Peace Prize and Presidency

In 1993, Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for their work for the peaceful end of the war. Apartheid ] and to lay the foundations for democracy in South Africa .

The following year, in the general election Mandela was elected first black president of South Africa with De Klerk as vice-president He would remain in office until 1999.

10. Death

At the end of his presidential term, Mandela is retired from public life.After suffering a prolonged respiratory infection, Nelson Mandela died on December 5, 2013 at the age of age 95.



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