12 deaths confirmed by influenza in Yucatán


The Deputy Director of the Public Health Department of the Yucatan Health Ministry, Mirza Tec Mukul, reported that officially confirmed 12 deaths because of the Influenza in Yucatán and the last report speaks of 170 sick

Meanwhile, in the Chamber of Deputies the exhortation was made to declare the epidemic of influenza epidemic in Yucatan , before the number of cases and deaths.

As part of the first special session of the Health Council it was stated that 85% patients were not vaccinated against the virus

For its part, the representative from the state indicated that until July, it was confirmed that 12 people had lost their lives in the state because of this disease, and it was specified that they were suffering all of diabetes or obesity.

Before the officials who participated In the session, Tec Mukul explained that out of the 1709 Yucatanans sick due to influenza, 165 correspond to the type AH1N1.

The deputy director of the health sector, said that the largest influenza outbreak in Yucatan of which I had knowledge in 2013, while in the same period, 137 cases had been confirmed.

However, in 2018, this number of patients was already exceeded, in addition to that it was officially recognized that 12 people lost their lives because of the other hand, the secretary of state to Health, Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Mezquita, recalled that in winter, 625,000 doses of vaccines were applied to the vulnerable population, but stressed that "vaccination does not stop with influenza".


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