18 deaths from the rise of the H1N1 virus


An epidemiological report of the Ministry of Health Surveillance Department confirmed yesterday that 18 people died nationwide because of the H1N1 flu virus.

"It was confirmed that the two dead in Choluteca It was caused by the H1N1 flu virus," said Undersecretary Roberto Cosenza, referring to a daughter who died on Monday June 25 and to a boy who expired on Wednesday, October 27.

Deputy Director of the Southern General Hospital, Gustavo Avelar, the minor entered this health center of the municipality of Marcovia, Choluteca. To date, there are 357 cases of influenza, of which 273 are of type AH1N1 and 84 of type B.

The authorities are investigating another death, this is the case of a boy from 11 years

they increased, despite the efforts of the health authorities, throughout the day of vaccination. From May 14 began the vaccination against the H1N1 virus, to Francisco Morazán y Cortés, to protect the first vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, children under five, the chronically ill, more than 59 years old [19659002] Authorities insist on the appeal to the population to adopt preventive measures, especially at this time, which due to the environmental conditions raise the cases.

Among the recommendations are mentioned sneezing in the forearm, use of tissues and disposable masks, as well as a constant washing of the hands.

The symptoms of the flu are: nasal congestion and shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, high fever, body aches, nausea.


The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), together with the Ministry of Health, acquired 1.4 million influenza vaccines for use during the day

They also guarantee that the vaccine is of high quality and in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) certification.

The effectiveness of the vaccine is two to four weeks, because in this term the body generates the necessary antibodies against the infection. It has turned out that it can produce some side effects in the patient such as: redness in the area where the dose was applied and some stomach upset.

Prior to the atypical epidemic of this disease, it was decided to advance vaccination in May. departments of Francisco Morazán, Yoro and Cortés, areas where most cases were recorded

Subsequently, on June 4, mass vaccination began, especially among the vulnerable population, but before the low coverage, it was extended until last Friday. June

The dose is available in public health facilities and outlying centers of the Honduran Social Security Institute (IHSS) throughout the country. It is expected that it will reach more than two million Hondurans with vaccination, vitamin A supplementation and deworming.

The cost of this major mobilization exceeds 113 million lempiras, of which 93.92% corresponds to the national financing, which includes the contribution of the municipal governments and the Honduran Foundation for the child with cancer. In addition, external funds provided by the Pan American Health Organization, Feed The Children and Gavi, the Alliance for Vaccines

Undersecretary of Health, Roberto Cosenza reported that to the end of the second expansion, an objective of 83% was achieved. percent, so they decided to extend the immunization for another week.

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