18% increase seniors' complaints by fraud


  Fraud, Economics, Elderly, Elderly, Security, Condusef

The Condusef reports that there has been an increase in the number of fraud complaints by older people. Image File: Cuartoscuro


Users of financial services over 60 years are more likely to be victims of possible fraud, since 29% of applications filed between January and May 2018 correspond The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) reported that the elderly have submitted 27 thousand 194 claims, or 18 percent more compared to the same period of the year previous,

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The agency explained that of the total claims received, 57% relate to product-related issues or banking services (15,506); 13 percent are insurance (3 thousand 566) and 10 percent of the above (2 thousand 766).

Of the 15 thousand 506 claims against the banks, 63 percent of them are attributable to a possible fraud, namely 9 000 840, because they are for unacknowledged consumption (5 000 68 cases), unrecorded charges in the account (1,494) and cashing in ATMs unrecognized by users (1,201).


According to the information of the decentralized agency, during the first five months of the year, claims attributable to a possible fraud, more than half were presented by men (58%), while the remaining percentage was presented by women

It is important to note that women had higher growth than men, recording 28 percent, while for male claims, the percentage was 20 percent.

] An important feature of this segment of the users is that the majority of their claims attributable to possible fraud are using the debit card, with 43 percent of the total, while 24 percent correspond to a credit card. [19659005]

A disturbing fact according to Condusef is that the third financial product that has the highest incidence with 868 cases is the ómina, which is mainly associated with the payment of pensions.

According to statistics from the agency, mobile banking has gradually started to gain importance in the area of ​​claims, among the elderly, since January to May 2018, these issues totaled 429 , which means an increase of 233% over the same period of 2017.

This situation indicates that many users are surprised by calls from an operator of "your bank" or by a notice in your cell phone, for the sole purpose of obtaining your personal data and withdrawing money from your accounts or taking out a loan in your name.

It is here that the word vishing appears, which refers to fraud in which criminals communicate with their victims by means of telephone calls, claiming to be employees of the company. a financial institution, generally claiming undue expense in some of their accounts, updating personal information, having won a prize or other similar deception.


The body responsible for the protection of users of financial services ensures that it is important to take precautions to avoid being a victim of this type of service. Calls that only seek to take advantage of users to commit fraud

It is necessary not to click on suspicious pages or answer calls or emails that tell you that you have won a prize, a trip or a raffle.

Please note that neither financial institutions nor other operators request personal information. or checking their accounts, email, text message or phone, unless the user was the first to contact the financial institution.

Finally, you must call the banking institution directly if you have any questions and avoid providing your financial information to strangers.

* jc

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