18 people die of influenza A in Honduras


TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras. (EFE) .- Health authorities in Honduras today have increased the number of influenza A victims to 18 so far this year, after confirming that the virus was the cause of the death of 39, a girl of 4 years old.

Deputy Minister of Health Roberto Cosenza told reporters that the girl was from Choluteca Department, on the Nicaraguan border in southern Honduras, and that her death was confirmed after the tests corresponding laboratories. The death of an 11-year-old child allegedly caused by the flu A, added the senior official.

The country of Central America has registered so far this year 357 cases of patients who contracted the flu, most in the departments of Francisco Morazán y Cortés, central and northern Honduras, said Cosenza .

He said that a total of 897,102 Hondurans were vaccinated against the flu and appealed to groups at risk, compliant two for children under 5, pregnant women, people with pathologies basic, over 60 years and health staff, to be vaccinated against this disease.

Cosenza pointed out that vaccination can prevent the occurrence of complications causes this respiratory disease against which antibiotics are not effective.

Health authorities have indicated that the most important preventative measure against influenza A is frequent hand washing.

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