2 power cuts leave Caracas without power


Notimex – The Venezuelan capital remained without electrical energy because of two consecutive power cuts, which affect inter alia the Metro of Caracas It carries two million passengers a day

The power outages, at intervals, cause a chaos in the city, with the Metro ] that paralyzed his operations, the traffic lights not working. and public transport with passengers fighting for space on buses.

The power outages affected much of Caracas and the neighboring states of Miranda and Vargas.

The first blackout occurred in the morning, a few hours after the closure of the Fourth Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), was left in the dark, by a blackout that President Nicolás Maduro attributed to sabotage.

The second blackout occurred at noon on case when the Energie Electrical Minister, Luis Motta, announced that the power had been reinstated from 90% after the first failure.

a session of the National Assembly (Congress), when the deputies were going to vote a declaration of rejection to the monetary conversion decreed by the president Nicolás Maduro, which will remove five zeros in the national currency.

The Minister of Communication and Information, Jorge Rodriguez, said in a statement to the country that most of Caracas were affected by power outages and that these were due to a fault in a transmission line in the town of Ocumare del Tuy, Miranda

"We had deficiencies in the electricity supply at La Gran Caracas and in the state of Vargas.We would like to point out that the fault is already identified, but the weather conditions, the rainfall situation we have on the site, as well as the difficult access to the area , made the repair difficult, "he said.The first failure left energy at 80% of Caracas announced hours after the restoration of service by 90 percent, however, a few minutes later, the second blackout occurred.

Motta referred to a report from the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin), the political police, who said that a cut in control cables of the high-voltage transformers had caused the first failure.

In the National Assembly, deputies debated a rejection of the monetary reconversion ordered by Maduro for August 20, but they could not vote for the blackout, deputies waited half an hour for service to be restored, but decided Deputy Rafael Guzmán, head of the Finance Committee, asked to immediately reject the conversion, because the conditions are not met to run it.

"First, steps must be taken to curb hyperinflation, which is the root of the economic problem.The government must stop issuing money without support", he said.

Metro of Caracas reported that at least two sections ceased to function. , which connects the city from east to west with 22 stations, interrupted the service because of the blackout.

The scenario had an antecedent on Monday evening. The PSUV closed the first phase of its 4th partisan congress in a room of the building of the Hotel Alba Caracas in the center of Caracas when an electricity failure has occurred.

The first vice-president of the party, Diosdado Cabello, announced the conclusions when the play became dark. was presented to the hearing room when the power was reinstated and claimed that the blackout was the product of sabotage.

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