20 killed by fire in Greece


Athens- At least 20 people were killed and more than 500 wounded during the severe fires that were reported in several parts of Greece, including three near Athens, which are out of control because of strong winds

A government spokesman updated the death toll, according to the Associated Press, and spoke of more than 20 without giving a specific figure.

The fires devastated the houses, forced to evacuate several populations and led the authorities to declare the state of emergency and to ask for European help.

One of the deceased was found charred in his car at Mati, in eastern Attica, as confirmed by Miltiadis Mylonás, vice president of the EKAV ambulance agency

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced today his return to Greece from Bosnia and Herzegovina to handle the situation from the Unified Coordination Center of Eleusis. he wished that, despite the climatic conditions, the various centers of interest distributed by the country could be controlled.

Minister of Public Order Nikos Toskas, for his part, urged citizens to be cautious and suggested that fires may have been caused.

Hundreds of firefighters continue to try to control seven large fires that have raged in Greece since noon, but the stains are hindered by high winds of up to seven on the Beaufort scale.

They originated about 50 kilometers from Athens, caused the evacuation of three villages where they burned dozens of homes and closed the traffic on seventeen kilometers from the city. Olympia highway that connects the capital to the Peloponnese. trapped because the flames are very close to the asphalt.

Also, at least 40 transformers and three medium voltage lines have been According to the Greek Electricity Distribution Network (DEDDHE), power cuts have occurred in areas close to the electricity grid. ;fire.

Another, in East Attica, was stuck on a beach surrounded by flames. As the coastguards have confirmed EFE, since the beaches of this region, several people have been thrown into the sea in panic and, although fifteen have already been rescued, others are still missing, like eight others . Danish tourists reportedly drifted on board a boat

A helicopter rescued two Danes who were swimming in the sea, while a ferry first saved a family, a couple with three children and seven other people.

According to police estimates quoted by the Greek public television ERT, about 300 people are trapped in their homes in several towns in East-Attica.

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