2018 Russia World Cup: England beat Colombia and broke the criminal curse


Moscow, Russia (AFP) –

With the fifth and final shot scored by Eric Dier the Tottenham midfielder not only gave the pass to Quarters his team, but England has been rid of the curse of penalties, to defeat for the first time an 11-meter World Cup eliminator .

The Three Lions Star, Harry Kane scored the first, equaling the one that was launched shortly before Radamel Falcao to open the tense duel. The English 9 had already scored a goal in the second half to open the scoring, before Yerry Mina scored at the end of the match to force the extension.

"We are ready to go on penalties," warned the English coach. Gareth Southgate as he knew his destiny

"We already have a list of players to launch, not only based on the practices conducted here, but also on their statistics in the clubs", he explains. what would happen 24 hours later at Spartak stadium in Moscow.

Juan Cuadrado and Luis Muriel scored the following two for coffee growers and after scoring their Marcus Rashford, Jordan Henderson missed the third . England could add one more chapter in its black history with penalties, Uribe's Mateus crashed the fourth on the crossbar and fate took a turn.

Jordan Pickford, the young goalkeeper Everton, stopped the fifth Colombian exit, Carlos Bacca's, and then Dier decided to end the curse.

If there was a team in the world that seemed to have a particular dislike for the point placed 11 meters from the goal line was other than England, which until Tuesday had never passed a penalty shot in World Cup ; the three previous ones he lost.


The first time was in 1990 the semi-finals of Italy against the Federal Republic of Germany this The match was marked by the tears of Paul Gascoigne shortly after the end when he saw a yellow card that prevented him from playing a final, which his team never played, because of the errors of the point fateful of Stuart Pierce and Chris Waddle.

Eight years later, it is Argentina that eliminated the British in the Octavos from Final 1998 after the match ended with a result of 2 to 2. [19659004HernánCrespomissedhisthrowbuttheyalsomissedPaulInceandDavidBattygivingthepasstotheSouthAmericansOneofthosewhosufferedthisdefeatwasGarethSouthgatewholivedonTuesdaytheoppositesensationofthebench

In 2006, Portugal of a young Cristiano Ronaldo eliminated in the quarterfinals. to the English who scored only one of the four lengths they tried. They failed Frank Lampard, Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher, while the future winner of Cinco Balones de Oro put the last nail to score his goal.

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