2018 Russia World Cup: France is preparing for its security to host the 2018 Russian final.


In addition to the usual events planned for the national holiday, this weekend will be joined by the final of the World Cup between France and Croatia.

Paris, France (AFP) –

Some 110,000 police officers and gendarmes will be mobilized in France on the occasion of national day Saturday and World Cup final football Sunday, Interior Minister Gerard Collomb announced Friday

"Everything has been prepared so that the French can live calmly these moments of gone ] despite the context of threat which remains fixed at the highest level "said the minister at a press conference

France has been affected since the beginning of 2015 by a series of attacks jihadists who left 246 dead

Only in Paris and its surroundings, a total of 12,000 soldiers will be deployed throughout the weekend. end.

In addition to the usual events planned for the national holiday with fires A military parade, dances and parties, this weekend will be joined by the final of the World Cup between France and Croatia.

230 Fan Zones will be installed in the famous Champs de Mars, facing the Eiffel Tower and will be able to accommodate 90,000 spectators, protected by gates and equipped with six entrances whose security is guaranteed.

In case of France's victory "it is hoped that they will perform joyous demonstrations throughout France," said Collomb.

France will play the Russian final 2018 against Croatia on Sunday, July 15 at 10:00 (Central Mexico).


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