3 alpinists killed by an avalanche in Peru are saved


Lima.- The Alta Montaña Rescue Unit of the National Police of Peru (PNP) concluded today ] [1945 body of the three British, Slovenian, and Peruvian nationalities who died in an avalanche in Andes, reported today To Efe this specialized group

The corpses are already in the morgue of the municipality of Huaraz, the closest to the summit of Alpamayo, summit that the three mountaineers had the intention of 39; reach when they were surprised by an avalanche.

Photo: Ilustrativa / Pxhere

In the rescue twelve agents participated and the descent of the bodies took more than two days, due to the height of the mountain, which reached 5,947 meters above sea level.

The three dead mountaineers are the British Samuel Saul Richard Blelockc 55; Slovenian Eva Zontar 27 years old; and the Peruvian guide Jaime Quintana Figueroa, 41.

The rescuers knew of his disappearance since last Thursday, but they found the bodies only on Sunday.

On Tuesday, they were able to get them off the mountain and move them to the morgue, located in the town of Huaraz, capital of the Ancash region, 67 kilometers from Alpamayo.

Alpamayo is considered one of the most beautiful peaks of the Andes, so many mountaineers seek to crown its summit, which requires climbing a wall whose slope is on average 60 degrees

. in Huascarán National Park and part of the Cordillera Blanca, which is home to some of Peru's highest mountains and much of the world's largest tropical glacier system, which is on the brink of extinction due to global warming .

In this note:

  • The Andes
  • Mountain
  • Peru
  • Rescue
  • Body
  • Andinists
  • Avalanche

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