& # 39; Chicharito & # 39; visits the children of Guadalajara's new civilian hospital


Milenio Digital

Javier & # 39; Chicharito & # 39; Hernández visited pediatric patients who are being treated at the new Guadalajara Civil Hospital "Dr. Juan I. Menchaca", in response to the request made by the child Rodrigo de Jesús and Dr. Yuriko Nakashima Paniagua through the networks social.

In the message sent to the West Ham striker of the Premier League of England, he was also asked to support the pediatric palliative care unit and become a sponsor of the program that assists patients in this area of ​​the hospital. The national team also took the time to talk with the kids, sign some autographs and take some pictures.

During the player's visit, the child Rodrigo de Jesús, considered ambassador of the cause, successfully launched the invitation, He said that he was very pleased with the response of the & # 39; Chicharito & # 39 ;, to whom he enthusiastically asked: "If you want and if you can, will you be able to sponsor?", To which Javier Hernandez replied "Yes I want and yes I can" .

For his part, the Director General of the Guadalajara Civil Hospital, Héctor Raúl Pérez Gómez, spoke with the national team and told him that the Institution has practically completed the construction of the Architectural work of the Unit, however the furniture is necessary and equipment.

"The idea of ​​this little boy and Dr. Yuriko, with your wonderful answer, filled us with joy," said Pérez Gómez in addressing "Chicharito", who showed his willingness to support the conclusion of unity and the next opening.



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