& # 39; Deporting Trump to Russia & # 39; Protestants demand an immigration policy


UNITED STATES.- The scandal of the separation of families of irregular immigrants, Donald Trump's hyper-aggressive policy of separation of parents and children during their crossing at the border, caused a scandal that has this reflection Saturday in the streets across the United States, reported El País.

Migrant children are drugged in shelters in the United States

More than 600 events coordinated in all states, under the slogan Keep families together, protested this Saturday in a show of strength that rivals calls for favoring women's rights, giving an idea of ​​the level of outrage with Trump's "zero tolerance" policy, which has not dared to defend even the Republican Party.

On Lafayette Square, across from the White House, thousands of people gathered under a blazing sun in the central act of the protests. Dressed in white and with banners that ridicule Donald Trump Protesters walk from the square at the Department of Justice

On stage, singer Alicia Keys and actress America Ferrera go up together to read the letters of the people affected. "This concerns us all because it can happen to my son, yours or someone else," Keys said. "And I do not want to imagine how I would feel if I did not know if my seven-year-old is safe."

The artists were the prelude to the emotional speech of Alidia Erber. A 75-year-old immigrant who was separated from her mother during World War II while she was eight months old. Two years later, they were reunited. "She was a traumatized child – it's the stage in which you perceive whether the world is a safe place or not – they've made me challenge people and that's something that I have until today.That's what they do to the children at the border, "said Erber

." She was a traumatized child. It's the stage in which you perceive whether the world is a safe place or not.They have made me challenge people and it's something that I've got until now. This is what they do for children on the border, "Erber said.

The leaders of the protest called for acting as a moral obligation. "You must prove that Trump was wrong" said a Muslim activist who recalled the recent Supreme Court ruling on the president's immigration ban.

An African-American religious also pointed his arrows at the highest court. "They were wrong before and we have news, we have abolished all their bad decisions," exclaimed the woman to the audience's applause and added, "Many say that America is filled with blacks and of mestizos, but America has always been … we came first. "

Scenes and similar testimonies were heard at rallies from Atlanta to Seattle and from Dallas to the door of the Gulf of New Jersey club where Trump spends the weekend. The one in New York left in the intense heat of the place where is the Federal Immigration Court, the largest in the United States. The demands of the convocation were three: to reunite immediately with their parents the approximately 2,000 migrant children who remain separated; put an end to this policy; and put an end to the detention of families. A week ago, Trump signed a decree in theory in this direction. Protesters said Saturday that this was not enough and demand that a specific plan be set to reunite minors with their parents.

The protesters insisted that they were not radical. "Until now, we have arrived," Rob said, as he was walking with his family in Brooklyn, "I felt I had to do more – it's a horrible policy." Maya, 12, is the first time she's been at a walk. "It is important to mobilize," he says, pointing to a banner that can be read "seeking refuge is not a crime" . He is accompanied by his mother, Diane, "is contrary to all the values ​​we believe"

All defend the abolition of the police of immigration (ICE, in English acronym), to stop playing the role of paramilitary body dedicated to terrorize. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has also joined other Democrats who ask him to believe something "different" because the way he acts "is not acceptable".

In Los Angeles, however, the political embrace of Democrats at the most radical opposition to Trump was seen in the presence of local, state, and national democratic leaders, who joined celebrities and organizations civilians to shout against Trump. Mayor Eric Garcetti, the governor candidate Gavin Newsom, the candidate of Senator Kevin de León or Senator Kamala Harris, had planned to go on stage alongside singer John Legend or actor Eugenio Derbez. Three hours after the start of protests on the east coast, thousands of people gathered in front of City Hall during a massive protest with slogans such as "Deport Trump to Russia".

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