& # 39; Don Francisco invites you & # 39; has completed his cycle


UNITED STATES.- The announcement that has just been made public by Telemundo television leaves no doubt. "After more than 100 shows," Don Francisco invites you "has completed his cycle and his latest program will air on December ," he says initially.

"Don Francisco is a great icon of Hispanic television and an integral part of the Telemundo family, and we are very happy that he will continue to work with the channel and will participate in other projects. 39 next year, including several specials with high-level guests, "adds the text." We are delighted to work with him to continue to make Telemundo the favorite channel of Hispanics in the United States . "

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With this affirmation, l an alliance signed between the producer of Don Francisco and the Telemundo network, which was to last several years and for multiple projects, will be out of force.The last program will be recorded on September 8 to be transmitted in December.

[19659002] The Miami-based company agrees that Mario Kreutzberger and his character Don Francisco are great symbols of Hispanic television and for this reason will continue to be part of the Telemundo family, although they will participate to other projects, starting in 2019 and in special programs that are still undetermined.

The production team of Don Francisco, since internally, they indicated that there will be no programs as stipulated in the first contract that was signed.

This means that the American chain of Hispanic origin that is on the rise will not completely ignore the services of the legendary leader, but will cease to produce what was up to now. The most generous broadcast space for the Chilean icon after its release from Univision and the obvious end of the memorable program "Saturday Giant."

The reasons for this determination are not entirely clear, but obviously it is a question of notation. Recall that under the same production was the show "Great Opportunity", directed by Raúl González and Ana Lorena Sánchez and with the participation of Alicia Machado, Roberto Tapia, Noel Torres and Alexis Valdés. This talent contest program has managed to outperform in scoring at Univision, while the other program that has made Don Francisco's producer, "Always Kids", has not achieved expectations by various factors.

On the other hand, while Univision initiates a new season of "Mira Quién Baila" with Chiquinquirá Delgado, Javier Poza and Dayanara Torres as one of the judges, Telemundo is left with the # 39; hope to compete on Sunday at the same time with "Exatlón" (now in phase of elimination).

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