& # 39; El Bronco & # 39; Closes the cyber campaign foresees a political breakdown after the election


Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, independent presidential candidate, assured that after the elections, there would be a political collapse in the country, so that if he does not win, he will support the one who wins.

I think we have to work hard to support those who win, because there will be a very strong political break. I believe that will happen, that there will be no conciliation. They all came with the bucket and obviously I did not hit the bucket with anyone. And I believe that with whom I win, I will have the chance to convince him that he has to help Nuevo Leon and that we will have a much stronger force than the others, because in the country there is already has a huge Bronco presence that will help political actions ".

This was emphasized by the independent candidate at the conclusion of its closure of the cybernetic campaign, which reached four million 798 000 Internet users.

Rodríguez Calderón, via Facebook Live, is connected with the 32 entities of the Mexican Republic and, in turn, listened and answered their questions.

According to Facebook figures, the two hours of live transmission had a million 667,000 reproductions, 86,000,303 "likes", more than 48,000 times were shared and nearly 58,000 comments.

The governor of Nuevo Leon with a license said that as of Monday he resumes his duties in the state.

In the morning, in the municipality where he was born, Galeana, Nuevo León, made his last campaign act, where he urged his compatriots to persecute and denounce those whom he called raccoons, because he was the only one of his kind. they bought wills with public money.

Where they see them, catch them and put them in the boat. When they see, tell the authority that the authority goes for him and they put him in jail, because no one can buy wills. But catch them, put some corretiza, you are raccoons … You can do it, organize, monitor each of their people and the one they see another party, direct it, do not let it go on generate this condition of purchase ".

The presidential candidate called on the people to vote for the independents and to remove those who ruled for 80 years in Galeana, Nuevo León.

With information from Adriana Valasis.


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