39 years ago the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua


39 years ago, the Sandinista revolution led by Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua triumphed. Today, he is experiencing his worst crisis

The 1979 popular insurrection led by the Sandinista National Liberation Front, which takes its name from the anti-imperialist Augusto Sandino, consummated the defeat of the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza Debayle and the family dynasty.

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After the entry into Managua of the guerrilla columns of the Sandinista Front, the creation of the Junta of the Government of National Reconstruction, coordinated by Daniel, followed Ortega Saavedra

The young guerrilla led a humanist revolution that sought to eradicate poverty in Nicaragua, a project that lasted a decade.

Triumph compromises us with those who gave their lives, with those who came before us. the fight, they allowed that today our city be liberated from Somoza, "said Ortega in 1979.

Ranges of insurrection urged him to" Sandinista youth ". of the youth organization was an honor, under the revolutionary ideals leading a peace force and a literacy campaign.At today, they have become shock groups that incorporate the paramilitary used to repressing opponents of the government.

  FSLN in Nicaragua. (Getty Images)
A graffiti with the effigy of Daniel Ortega in the streets of the city of León, Nicaragua. (Getty Images, archive) [19659010] FSLN in Nicaragua (Getty Images)

At the head of the Sandinista revolution, Ortega led Nicaragua for the first time, with the support of Cuba and the Union In 1990, the Sandinista Front lost the elections to a coalition of 14 parties grouped together s Union of National Opposition that brought Violeta Barrios de Chamorro to the presidency.

"To all Nicaraguans and to the peoples of the world, the President of Nicaragua, the Government of Nicaragua, will respect and respect the popular mandate emanating from the vote in these elections," were the words of Daniel Ortega in 1990. [19659007] Ortega tried to return to power in 1996 and again in 2001. He succeeded until 2007, since then he remains in power.

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In 2007, he said: "There is enough land, The lack of government is that of the people who give the land to the peasants according to the law. "

  Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega in 1985. (AP)
Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega in 1985. (AP, archive)

] Sandinismo famous Thursday, with cities like Leon, Estelí, Matagalpa and the eastern districts of Managua, before its bastions, overthrown against Ortega, as Monimbó in Masaya, which in 1979 actively participated in the insurgency. The community is doubly significant for the current president. He died in the hands of the ex-Somocista guard, his younger brother, Camilo Ortega Saavedra.

Nearly four decades after his triumph in Nicaragua, Sandinismo observed the destruction of his symbols, as the fire of his red and black flag in squares. public or the demolition of "trees of life", metal structures that symbolize the power of the vice president and wife of Ortega, Rosario Murillo

Ortega, who emerged as a revolutionary leader there are nearly forty years, today faces the worst crisis the policy of his government, the bloodiest since the 1980s. Some already compare it to the regime of Somoza.

  Victims of violence in Nicaragua. (AP)
Currently, the political crisis in Nicaragua has killed more than 300 people. (AP)

Victims of violence in Nicaragua. (AP)

With the information of Ana María Islas


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