400 die per year, the vaccine to be prevented is free but …



Elisa "Lilita" Carrió, deputy of the ruling coalition Cambiemos de Argentina, recalled the senator of Front Guasu Fernando Lugo during an interview in which she expressed opposition to the law on l ". abortion. He said that before that was a pride to give virginity to the bishop.

"In many areas of the North, 13- and 14-year-old girls are entrusted to the boss.Do you remember the Paraguayan president who had so many children?" Because it was a pride of give the virginity of a girl to the bishop.So, if I can abort later, the crime of the abuser remains unpunished, "said Carrió during a television interview. TN

The legislator of Buenos Aires referred to Fernando Lugo, recalling the number of children who were assigned to him. he even hinted at the people who give their virgin daughters to the bishops, which is a reason for "pride" for some communities.

Fernando Lugo, president of Paraguay between 2008 and 2013, suffered one of the biggest scandals of his government when in 2009 Viviana Carrillo had said that she had a son and that it was the product of a relationship with the then president, when he was still a bishop. When the statements increased, the leader of the Front Guasu gave a press conference in which he recognized the paternity of the son.

In this same 2009 another woman appeared who declared to have maintained a relation of which she became pregnant: Benigna Leguizamón. The mother did not ask Lugo to take care of the son and therefore filed a filiation application. Justice has determined that the head of state should undergo a DNA test that gave a negative result.

In the epilogue of the government of Lugo appeared a third woman, the teacher Hortensia Morán. She had claimed to have had a relationship with the head of state no longer when he was bishop, but when he was campaigning for the Presidency of the Republic in 2008. In his statements, he had mentioned that Lugo had been orgies and that he had a life away from who should have a person who was on the "path of God."

Morán also sued Lugo and the justice ordered a test of DNA that also gave a negative result.On the analysis there was great controversy because, according to transcendent, the evidence was altered to favor the president.

In addition to Carrillo, Leguizamón and Morán, Lugo has maintained "business" with other media.One of them was the model Viviana Figueredo who said she did a vaginoplasty to "give pleasure" to the head of the company. State of the time and even mentioned that he had offered her a job. The former president's sexual integrity has been internationally recognized after being linked to Argentine model Jessica Cirio, who was then the most popular Argentinean by critics

. Cirio and the alleged payment of US $ 25 thousand and the shipment of a private plane mentioned "I eat only homemade chicken". Another of the models supposedly related to Fernando Lugo was Yannina González, third finalist of the Miss Universe 2004 beauty contest, which was denied by the same woman on several occasions.


] Carrió, deputy of the ruling coalition Cambiemos and one of the closest legislators of President Mauricio Macri, said that the law of abortion raises a similar question to the free sale of organs for transplantation. He said that the suffering of the woman can not be celebrated and that the positions of some sectors of non-abortion have been wrongly taken.

Even in the case of abortion just because a child is suffering from Down syndrome or a certain degree of autism, make a "racism of choice". He said that he does not like "the chosen humanity" and that this is not a scientific question but a moral argument.

He said that he believed in women's rights and even mentioned that he was the author of the Health Act. reproductive system that imposed the intrauterine device (IUD) as a plan in the public health of the government but that, in practice, it is not possible to force a hospital to give priority to a woman who wants abort on a human being who is in a critical situation

He mentioned that there is a feminism that is an "inversion of the machismo of the 70s" that violently tries to impose ideas.

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